Things to know about the Sculptra

Sculptra is a dermal filler that has been on the market since 1999. It was licenced by the FDA for the first time in 2004 to treat lipoatrophy in HIV patients. Lipoatrophy is a condition that causes facial fat loss, resulting in sunken cheeks, deep folds, and indentations.

Sculptra Aesthetic was authorised by the FDA in 2014 to address wrinkles and folds on the face for a more youthful appearance. Poly-L-lactic acid is the major ingredient in Sculptra (PLLA). It's a collagen stimulator that can last up to two years and gives you long-lasting, natural-looking effects.


Sculptra is a safe and effective treatment option, however it is not indicated for persons who have allergies to any of its chemicals or who have medical disorders that cause uneven scarring.


What is the price of Sculptra?

The price of Sculptra is determined by a number of factors, including:

  •  number of treatment visits required geographic location amount of enhancement or correcting required to obtain the desired result
  • Discounts or special offers were applied on a certain number of Sculptra vials.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of Sculptra per vial was $773 in 2016. The average overall treatment cost, according to the Sculptra website, ranges from $1,500 to $3,500, depending on those and other criteria.


Health insurance does not cover Sculptra Aesthetic or other dermal fillers. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in the United States decided in 2010 to cover the cost of Sculptra for patients living with HIV who have face lipodystrophy syndrome (of which lipoatrophy is one kind) and depression.


Most plastic surgeons provide financing options, and many also offer Sculptra manufacturer coupons or rebates.


How does it work?

Sculptra is a wrinkle-reducing injection that is injected into the skin. It contains PLLA, a collagen activator that helps restore fullness to face creases and folds over time. As a result, the skin appears softer and more youthful.

 You may see instant changes, but the full effects of your treatment may take a few months.

 Your Sculptra professional will work with you to decide how many treatment sessions are necessary to attain the greatest results. Three injections are given over the course of three or four months on average.


The Sculptra procedure is as follows:

 You'll be asked to share your complete medical history, including any medical issues or allergies, at your initial appointment with a professional physician.

 Your doctor will map the injection sites on your skin and cleanse the region on the day of your first Sculptra treatment. To alleviate any discomfort, a topical anaesthetic might be used. After that, your doctor will inject your skin with a series of tiny injections.

After treatment, you should be able to resume your normal activities right away. Any special instructions will be given to you by your doctor.


About the chemical peel

Chemical peels are skin rejuvenation procedures that can be used on the face, hands, and neck. They're utilised to make the skin look and feel better. Chemical solutions will be applied to the area being treated during this process, causing the skin to exfoliate and finally peel off. The new skin beneath is usually smoother, less wrinkled, and has less damage after this happens.

 Chemical peels can be used for a variety of reasons. They could be attempting to treat a range of issues, such as:


  • fine lines and wrinkles
  • damage caused by the sun
  • scars from acne
  • hyperpigmentation
  • scars
  • melasma
  • redness or an uneven skin tone


About Us:

To give you your dream physique, our team of bright and experienced medical specialists combines breakthroughs in medical technology with our knowledge. We aim to offer a wide range of services like Sculptra, Chemical peel that will raise your self-esteem and make you feel your best. With a combination of anti-aging med spa treatments, at-home care, injectables, and sophisticated aesthetics, we can help you attain radiant and youthful skin.

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